Siddhant Dubey
Just a high schooler who loves programming.
- Python Crash Course for Data Science
- 2021 Goals and Philosophical Razors
- Identifying the Gender of a Movie Character with Deep Learning, NLP, and PyTorch
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 7 and 8: Visualizing Parts of Speech data, Sentiment Data, and NER Data.
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 6: Preliminary Analysis of Gendered Dialogue in Movies
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 5: Starting the Project
- 5 Great Productivity Tools for Programmers
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 4 (Paper Summary): Zero-Shot Learning Classifiers from Declarative Language
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 3: Dependency Parsing
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 2: Neural Networks
- #100DaysOfNLP Day 1: Word Vectors